Project: Estonia

Readiness percentage (more)
100%17200 / 17223
79%238116 / 301201
Top editors (last 10 days)
Last edits (ways) [view log]
2023-10-23 09:09SKayo_3317
2023-10-23 09:16kampsun5
2023-10-23 10:32jemmimport68
2023-10-23 10:43mapfixer300036
2023-10-23 10:47jemmimport69
2023-10-23 10:51jemmimport50
2023-10-23 10:59jemmimport57
2023-10-23 11:03jemmimport12
2023-10-23 11:12Apirnus2


MaprouletteBuilding fixFix buildings marked as a bug in house numbering tool7738 / 7738
ValidatorMissing streetsAll buildings in OSM must have corresponding street with same name as addr:street on building5
ValidatorMissing roadsThere should be highway=* near every building43
ValidatorAddress validatorDisplays buildings which probably have wrong address (does not match Maa-amet DB)5176

Graphs, statistics:

Active editors, last 10 days (0) Readiness percentage (100% / 79%)
Ways created in last 5 years (imports excluded) Top 50 editors, last 5 years
Ways created in last 5 years (with imports) Daily active members (last 5 years)
Map size, per country User activity graph


Minutely diff downloadingLast check: 365 d. 9 h. ago
Last downloading: 365 d. 9 h. ago
Last diff ID: 5802379
Downloaded during last check: 1
Minutely diff parsingLast check: 365 d. 9 h. ago
Last change: 365 d. 9 h. ago
Diffs parsed: 1
Changes made: 0
House numbering:
picking new tasks
Finished: 1033 d. 7 h. ago
Processing time: 31 seconds
New tasks: 1929
House numbering:
preparing to export
Last update: 1268 d. 1 h. ago
Last check: 1160 d. 12 h. ago
New addresses to export: 0
Total addresses pending export: 116
Missing roadsFinished: 365 d. 9 h. ago
Processing time: 3 minutes
Missing streetsFinished: 365 d. 9 h. ago
Processing time: 3 minutes
Readiness percentageFinished: 365 d. 13 h. ago
Processing time: 9 minutes


